Recently, accusations began to surface of the long history of sexual harassment and assaults perpetrated by film mogul Harvey Weinstein. Soon, he was joined by a growing number of other entertainers, journalists, and media executives who are fielding similar prior and on-going allegations.
As the scandal grew I was asked by a television interviewer, “What are we learning from these accusations?”
I responded with, “The first thing we need to understand is that all power is given . . . it’s a gift. When unrestrained power is bestowed upon an individual, they have a choice to make. Do they use the power given them for good or for evil?”
I then explained that in the media world this evil use of power through sexual harassment, assault or sexual leveraging brings with it some added dynamics . . .
Power over individual lives.
The entertainment industry, a business overflowing with rejection and insecurity, cultivates a climate extremely susceptible to the fear and desperation of “this job could be your last.” One role can launch an entire career, just as fast as the loss of a role can place you in the “where-are-they-now” file. This culture can leave aspiring talent vulnerable to unintentionally being in harm’s way or, in the aftermath of an assault, maintaining a cloak of silence . . . especially when they’ve heard those threatening words, “You’ll never work in this town again!”
Power over the culture.
The immoral values, unethical actions, and hedonistic lifestyles of many of the fictional characters illuminated across our screens, can have a devastating and destructive impact on individuals and society at large when actually lived out behind the closed doors of real life. Characters who seek instant gratification at any cost, a life governed by an “if it feels good, do it” philosophy, the mockery of celibacy, monogamy and traditional marriage; all of these and more can have an eroding effect upon our entire culture.
Power over the abuser.
A final observation . . . it’s ironic that as these accounts of harassment within the media world dominate the global headlines, God is using the very medium through which these powerbrokers acquired their wealth and dominion to shine a light on their grievous personal sin.
“Pilate said, ‘Don’t you realize I have power . . . ?’ Jesus answered, ‘You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.’” (John 19:10-11)
To close with a note of hope, an encouraging number of the talented artists I’ve had the pleasure to work with and executives I’ve had the honor to meet with, are wonderful, kindhearted, well-intentioned men and women, who are trying to walk humbly and do good with the power, talents, and platforms they have been given. Furthermore, I would be remiss not to acknowledge the many stories emanating out of the studios and networks that inspire viewers with tales of heroism, courage, self-sacrifice, family, kindness, love, and good triumphing over evil.
Many of the discussions that Mastermedia is privileged to have with the world’s media leaders, are fueled by dialogue about the transformational power of the Spirit of God to live a good life, and to impact culture with uplifting, values-based films.
In order for the media world’s good to triumph over the evil perpetrated by a small number of corrupt individuals, God would first have His people pray!
PRAY that God in His abundant love would bring healing and mend the brokenness in the shattered lives of the many victims of these devastating assaults.
PRAY that God would bring all the perpetrators to justice and repentance, and that they ultimately would find forgiveness and wholeness in God’s unfailing mercy and grace.
PRAY that this devastating season in media can lead to its greatest spiritual and ethical revival, ultimately impacting all of humankind . . . for good.
And as we pray, we would do well to also examine our own hearts and actions.